Follow These 5 Steps Before Calling an Emergency Electrician in Aylesbury!

We all know that electricity is dangerous and that unexpected problems should never be solved with do-it-yourself solutions.

Instead, they must be left in the capable hands of an emergency electrician in Aylesbury.

Of course in the meantime there are still things you can do to protect your home and family while your sparkie is still on the way! 
  • Today we explain what some of these precautions are 
  • Can you find out the cause of your electrical emergency? 

To explain what you can do in the event of an electrical emergency, we must first explain the different causes of electrical emergencies!

Why does this matter? Simple: different types of electrical emergencies entail different hazards and therefore require a different response.

For example, suppose you have an electric fire. This requires a special fire extinguisher, because a water-based fire extinguisher can aggravate the problem (after all, water is guided!).

Here at Goodship Ltd Electrical, for example, we repair a wide range of different electrical emergencies. Some of these are relatively simple, while others can be life threatening.

So, what should you do if you experience

Cases of High Voltage Lines

They know that their city can become a little unpredictable in terms of weather. One moment it is pleasant the other moment you have to deal with hail and strong wind!

In many cases bends in the weather can have an effect on high voltage lines. Strong winds, storms and even car accidents can reduce the power supply.

The problem is that these high voltage lines are still under voltage and pose an extreme risk of electrocution if you accidentally get too close.

In Any Case of High Voltage Power Lines It is Best to Do

Step 1: Stay away from the electricity grid - we recommend keeping a distance of at least 40 meters between you and it

Step 2: do not approach conductive materials, as they can cause electrical hazards

Step 3: Call Triple Zero (000) if necessary to catch injury

Step 4: Do not touch the power cord or anyone affected by the fallen power line

Step 5: Contact your local electricity supplier and report any problem with hanging and dropped power wires

Electric Fire

Did you know? Defective electrical wiring and other electrical problems account for 25% of all home fires!

Electric fires can be the result of many different electrical faults, such as overloaded and outdated wiring, poorly installed sockets, defective devices and short circuits.

Electric fires occur in an instant and can suddenly occur. If you notice smoke from an electrical device or fitting, you want to act quickly to prevent serious damage to your property and safety.

What You Want To Do Is

Step 1: Immediately call Triple Zero (000) regardless of how severe the fire appears

Step 2: If possible (and if safe for doing so), unplug the power cord from the outlet that caused the fire

Step 3: If the fire is small and you have a fire extinguisher suitable for electric fires, try to extinguish the fire before it spreads

Step 4: Evacuate the area

Step 5: Switch off the power at the control cabinet

Electric Shock

Exposure to high voltage electricity leads to electric shocks. This in turn can cause a series of serious injuries, including burns, cardiac arrest, heart rhythm problems and even death.

In many cases, electrocution is the result of direct contact with unconfirmed sockets, electrical devices, and exposed electrical wires.

If an accident occurs and an electric shock occurs, then your duty is two-fold: providing assistance to the victim and protecting others from a similar accident.

Step 1: Turn off the power at the switch box to protect others on site

Step 2: Immediately call Triple Zero (000)

Step 3: Approach the person once the power is off and offer CPR and first aid if needed

Step 4: If the victim is in immediate danger, move him - otherwise avoid if possible

Step 5: Disconnect all devices, in case

Secret step 6: Call an emergency electrician

If you have taken all these steps and made sure that you and your families are safe from these different scenarios, what will follow?

A call to an emergency electrician, that's what!
Once the scene has been made clear, it is time to assess the damage and determine what can be done to repair your electrical system.

Our emergency electricians in Aylesbury can help with this. We will inspect your devices and electrical fittings and make everything clear to you.

We will also perform any repairs that are necessary to resolve the issue afterwards. If, for example, it is a socket that smokes, we will remedy the error and protect you against future electric shocks or fire.

Need a 24-hour emergency electrician in Aylesbury?

Whether it is day or night, our Aylesbury electricians are available 24 hours a day.

That's because electrical emergencies aren't polite enough to turn off when it reaches 5:00 PM - they can happen any hour!

Stay safe around electricity if you have recently experienced an electrical emergency, it is imperative that you leave it to the professionals!

In addition to dangerous emergencies such as these, Goodship Electrical emergency electricians in Aylesbury can also help with less hazardous electrical emergencies, such as frequent unexplained blackouts that only affect your home.

Schedule regular maintenance of the electrical system with an electrician in Aylesbury and ensure that all wiring and devices are working properly so that you do not run the risk of damage and danger to life.

If you are ever experiencing the following electrical emergencies, do not hesitate to call Goodship Ltd Electrical today: 
  • Sudden power outage 
  • Fuse blown 
  • Electrical damage 
  • Electric fire hazards 
  • Defective devices and electrical devices 

Contact Goodship Ltd today at 01908 920292 or save our number on your telephone, just in case!


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